quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2013

The social security number of Allen. At least curious coincidence (888)

Richard Grinell, administrator of site www.zodiacciphers.com  and author of a very interesting theories about the various letters, dates and other aspects of the crime, working with the mathematical code known as Code Gematric spotted this interesting (other) "coincidence"
C.I.I of A.L.A = 1311511
My names is .. "cipher" after extracted in gematric code = 15131111

see the link to the theory:http://www.zodiacciphers.com/1/post/2014/03/the-name-on-the-13-symbol-cipher.html

domingo, 6 de outubro de 2013

340/ periodic table

I noticed that the 340 starts with "HER", and the periodic table of chemical elements, starting with hydrogen (symbol H) and followed Helium (symbol He), thought it curious, as I always say, it could be something or nothing can be but share because who knows there do not have a key and other person sees things i  not seen.
Marcelo Leandro
http://www.ptable.com/?lang=pt   Try in Dave webtoy : http://zodiackillerciphers.com/webtoy/

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2013


Excelente teoria , na qual Richard Grinell , possivelmente , observa detalhes , que por vezes nos passam desapercebidos , enfim , mergulha em possíveis caminhos , que talvez a mente do criminoso tenha caminhado para construção de seus códigos . Utilize a opção de tradução em português.

My name is código 808

Observed in wikipedia that the telephone area code is 808 Hawaii, found interesting, noting that the number 0 to 8 would form (in theory) symbols similar to those that appear symmetrically in "my name is ..."
Someone may have seen before, but forgiveness if they have already seen me pass on whom I give the credits. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_code_808

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

My name is ...symmetry theory code (break)

In this theory, reading this excellent article and theory, on the website of Rich :http://www.zodiacciphers.com/1/post/2013/05/the-symmetry-of-the-13-symbol-cipher.html on the symmetry of the "my name is", I had an idea ,  i used the criteria from the letter K (like a KEY) and the letter N meaning "north", or toward  for back and forth to find letters and symmetry ."AE"/"EA"assigning such letters beginning and end of the code "inverted", finally this its end produces such letters can form this and other anagrams.


open for suggestions


segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013

The Map

Theoretical analysis, I used the scale below the map. Open for help. (And please, it's just theory!!)
Interestingly this map are two things, the measure of the vertical line (south / north) is exactly proportional to the scale below the left on the map. Another thing is that the parallel measure, which draws method of repetitions in frequencies of letters or symbols, form exactly one isosceles triangle, starting from the Hermam Lake - Monte Diablo - and the end of the horizontal  line (20). I may be completely wrong, but as I say this site is just theories, open to suggestions.

sábado, 13 de julho de 2013

Oh my code!!!

Como Davinci escrevia de forma espelhada,fiz esse espelho com o Monalisa,surgiu essa "criatura" sinistra dentro de um "cálice"